Reply with a pre-made response from a raw text or file
Evaluation scope defines the timing where this filter will be applied.
requestHeaderReceivedFromClient This scope occurs the moment fluxzy parsed the request header receiveid from client
The following table describes the customizable properties available for this action:
Property | Type | Description | DefaultValue |
response.statusCode | int32 | The status code of the response | |
response.headers | array of (name, value) | Response headers | |
response.body.origin | notSet | fromString | fromImmediateArray | fromFile | Defines how the content body should be loaded | |
response.body.type | unknown | text | json | xml | html | binary | css | javaScript | js | font | proto | The body type. Use this property to avoid defining manually content-type header.This property is ignored if Content-Type is defined explicitly. |
response.body.text | string | When Origin = fromString, the content text to be used as response body. Supports variable. | |
response.body.fileName | string | When Origin = fromFile, the path to the file to be used as response body. | |
response.body.contentBase64 | string | When Origin = fromImmediateArray, base64 encoded content of the response |
The following examples apply this action to any exchanges
Mock a response with a raw text.
- filter:
typeKind: AnyFilter
- typeKind: MockedResponseAction
statusCode: 200
- name: DNT
value: 1
- name: X-Custom-Header
value: Custom-HeaderValue
origin: FromString
type: Json
text: '{ "result": true }'
Mock a response with a file.
- filter:
typeKind: AnyFilter
- typeKind: MockedResponseAction
statusCode: 404
- name: Server
value: Fluxzy
- name: X-Custom-Header-2
value: Custom-HeaderValue-2
origin: FromFile
type: Binary
fileName: /path/to/my/
View definition of MockedResponseAction for .NET integration.
The following actions are related to this action: